Agent Asha
Agent Asha: Mission Shark Bytes
Asha Joshi has the perfect excuse not to finish her homework. She’s just been recruited to join the top-secret Children’s Spy Agency. Her first mission: SAVE THE WORLD. Can she do it? Asha’s a coder so she should be able to hack into the biggest tech company in the world, fight deadly sharks and figure out why the Internet has stopped working. All before bedtime. Easy, right?
Main Focus: Cover and Prologue Discussion
This is a discussion activity linked to Agent Asha, full of questions, non-fiction learning and critical thinking. This activity will spark conversations, debates and in depth analysis of some of the finer details.
You will examine the front cover, read through the prologue and discuss the various points highlighted in the resource aimed at LKS2 classes.
Main Focus: Apostrophes
This activity focuses on apostrophes within words and the prologue of the story.
Your Year 3 / Year 4 class will identify where the apostrophes need to go within the short sentences and determine whether they have been used to show possession or for a contraction.
Main Focus: Inference
This differentiated resource focuses on inference and chapter 1 of the Agent Asha: Mission Shark Bytes book.
‘She could never resist messing around with a button, or, for that matter, a do-not-enter sign, a locked door or suspiciously loose floorboards.’
So what can be inferred by this sentences from the book?
This suggests that Asha is inquisitive. She is always seeking out new adventures and isn’t afraid of potential dangers. It also suggests that normal ‘kid life’ doesn’t interest her.
We have also created a multiple choice version of this activity.
Main Focus: Character Study - Anushka
This resource focuses on Anushka, Asha’s sister as she is introduced in chapter 2 of the Agent Asha: Mission Shark Bytes book.
We have taken an extract from the story which will give your class some information, most retrieval on her appearance and interests.
Challenge your class to use this is a starting point and see what other information they can find within the chapter that is not perhaps quite explicit. E.g.
As she switched the radio on to her playlist whilst Asha was listening to the news, this shows that she is a little bit rude and inconsiderate.
Main Focus: Terminology and Quiz
This resource explores the technical terminology used in the Agent Asha book. Your class will explore the definitions, which have been written as simply as possible whilst ensuring accuracy.
Your Year 3 / Year 4 class will then answer the quiz questions and create a quiz of their own.
Main Focus: Finding Evidence
We have written a number of statements that are based around chapter 5 of the book for your KS2 class.
Your class will need to find evidence from the chapter to support the statements. If they can’t find any evidence they must write, ‘No evidence found.’
All statements are plausible so your class must look carefully and not make assumptions based on how plausible the statements are.
We have also included answers.
Main Focus: Inverted Commas
This resource focuses on chapter 9 of the story.
Your class must identify where dialogue is taking place and add in the inverted commas or speech marks to complete the extract.
We have differentiated the resource to cater for lower key stage 2 classes.
Main Focus: Contractions
This is a literacy activity linked to contractions and chapter 13 of the Agent Asha: Mission Shark Bytes book.
A contraction is created up by combining two words and adding in an apostrophe.
Your class must read the extract taken from the story and see which words can be combined to make a contraction.
We have differentiated this resource so have a look to see which could be used for your Year 3 or Year 4 class.
Main Focus: Punctuation
Your class will read the passage and punctuate the sentences by adding in capital letters, commas, exclamation marks, question marks, inverted commas, apostrophes and full stops.
We have differentiated this resource and created seven different worksheets so you can choose which to use and which punctuation you focus on.
Main Focus: Comprehension
This is a comprehension linked to Chapter 17 of Agenct Asha and is aimed at lower Key Stage 2.
We have asked a range of questions linked to the chapter to challenge your class and encourage them to reflect on what has been read and then apply some of their knowledge and understanding to make predictions and generate their own plan.