The Creakers
The Creakers
The Creakers by Tom Fletcher With no grown-ups, chaos descends on Lucy’s town. Kids are running wild, building roads of trampolines and eating cereal for every meal – but Lucy wants her mum back, and nothing is going to stop her. Not even the monsters who live in the upside-down world beneath her bed…
Main Focus: Comprehension
This resource pack has five levels of differentiation. Your Year 3 / Year 4 children will read the text from pages 100-103 or 100-101, depending on ability and answer questions on the text. The comprehension questions vary to give your children opportunities to attack different types and levels of questions.
Main Focus: Spelling
This passage has been written from the perspective of Lucy describing the morning it all began. Words from the Year 4 list have been included in the passage for your children to correct. There are a number of activities for this pack so have a look to see what you could use for your class.
Main Focus: Phrases
This resource encourages your children to read the phrases from the story and draw a picture to include all the information. This is a fun activity that encourages your children to imagine and create.
Main Focus: Character Study
This pack allows your class to delve deeper into the characters from the beginning of the story.
Main Focus: Apostrophes
This resource allows your children to practise using an apostrophe for regular and plural possessions. Your class are challenged to identify the correct use of apostrophes in phrases and sentences. They then have to change the structure of sentences to include an apostrophe.
Main Focus: Punctuation
In this resource pack, your Year 3 / year 4 class must add in the punctuation to the passage. There are five level of differentiation in this resource – capital letters and full stops, apostrophes for possession and contractions, hyphens, commas, questions marks and more… Your children can also use the corrected piece to edit their work at the end or use as a reference point throughout.
Main Focus: Vocabulary Extension
Your class will learn more about chosen words from throughout the story. They will then write a sentence to show their understanding. The resource pack includes sheets with two sentences per word and sheets with one sentence per word. The focus of this resource is to gather definitions and write in context.
Main Focus: Fronted Adverbials
This resource helps your Lower KS2 class identify and use fronted adverbials. You children will read the passage based on The Creakers and add in appropriate fronted adverbials.
Main Focus: Vocabulary Extension with Definitions Provided
Your Year 3 / Year 4 class will learn more about chosen words from throughout the story. They will then write a sentence to show their understanding. The resource pack includes sheets with two sentences per word and sheets with one sentence per word. The focus of this resource is to gather definitions and write in context.
Main Focus: Chapter Reflection
This resource allows your children to reflect on the chapters of The Creakers as they go along or once completed. This will highlight who is grasping the main points as well as what areas children are struggling with.