The Firework-Maker’s Daughter

The Firework-Maker's Daughter

‘You want to be a Firework-Maker? Walk into my flames!’ More than anything else in the world, Lila wants to be a Firework-Maker. But every Firework-Maker must make a perilous journey to face the terrifying Fire-Fiend. Can Lila possibly survive?

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Main Focus: Comprehension (Pages 1-4)

This resource allows your Year 3 / Year 4 class to explore the opening of the story from pages 1-4. Your lower KS2 class will answer the questions linked to the story and delve a little deeper into the text. This activity pack is differentiated to suit the needs of your class. Different types and styles of questions have been asked to give your children opportunities to answer different questions.

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Main Focus: Capital Letters and Full Stops

In this editing resource your class must either identify and add in the capital letters and full stops to the passage from the story. This activity helps your KS2 class develop editing skills which then they will apply to their own writing.

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Main Focus: Capital Letters, Commas & Full Stops

Again this is another editing activity for your class linked to the opening passage of The Firework-Maker’s Daughter. Your class must decide where in the passage the capital letters, commas and full stops must go. This resource is differentiated four ways so have a look in the image slideshow.

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Main Focus: Inference - Chapter 4

This activity focuses on Chapter 4 of The Firework-Maker’s Daughter and inference.

Your class will read the sentences and make inferences. We have also included a multiple choice version of this activity too, in which your class will make reasonable inferences based on the information in the sentences.

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Main Focus: Setting Descriptions - Chapter 5

In Chapter 5, Lila enter the Grotto and it is described vividly as it begins to come alive. We have taken the descriptions from the book for your class to read and then draw the setting using their knowledge and imagination. We have included three differentiated resources so you can select which are best suited for your class/groups.

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Main Focus: Improving Vocabulary

Working from the opening passage, your class will edit the text from the author and improve some of the words used. This challenges your children to reflect more on what they read and will help them when it comes to editing their own work to improve their choice of words. This activity is differentiated 4 ways to cater for all abilities and levels in your class.

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Main Focus: Inverted Commas

This activity for Year 3 and Year 4 explores inverted commas to dialogues within the story. The resources are differentiated as follows… 1. Locate and highlight the inverted commas. 2. Add in the inverted commas to the places identified. 3. Locate and add in the inverted commas. 4. Locate, and add in inverted commas and punctuation.

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Main Focus: Spelling -ous words

This pack works on pages 1-4 of the book with a few -ous words added in. In this activity your class with try to identify, identify and correct the -ous words or add in the missing -ous words. A great differentiated resource to help your children recognise -ous words and spell them accurately.

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Main Focus: Non-Fiction

This resource pack encourages your children to find out more about volcanoes. It explores key words, processes and well known volcanoes.

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Main Focus: Chapter Reflection

Encourage your class to reflect on the chapter read in class and complete the activity sheet. This will give you an insight of who remembers what, and also areas of strength and improvement.

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Main Focus: Vocabulary Extension

This resource lists the most challenging words from the beginning of the story up to page 41. In the activity your class must find the definitions of the words and then use it in a sentence or two of their own. Your class can: 1. Create their own words and write two sentences. 2. Use words provided and then write two sentences. 3. Create their own words and write one sentence. 4. Use words provided and then write one sentence.

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Main Focus: Word Exploration

Delve a little deeper into the vocabulary used within the story and begin to work with the word by exploring: -Definition -Use in context -Synonyms -Antonyms -Associations -Modifications

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Interactive Volcanoes

This is a wonderful resource that encourages your class to explore different aspects of volcanoes to deepen their understanding. The resources are interactive which allows your children to explore images, video clips and sounds to find out more. Once finished they are then quizzed on what they have read. This can be used for whole class exploration or individual.

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Volcano Eruption

This resource explains and explores what happens when a volcano erupts. It highlights different features of the volcano which is useful to help children build up a vocabulary bank linked to the topic and build on prior knowledge.

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Vesuvius and Pompeii - The Story

This is a fantastic video resource that highlights the events on 79 A.D once Mount Vesuvius erupted. The story gives children an insight to the scale of the devastation caused by the eruption.

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