The Tin Forest
The Tin Forest
In the middle of a windswept wasteland full of discarded scrap metal lives a sad and lonely old man. In spite of his gloomy surroundings, he dreams every night of a lively forest full of trees, birds, and animals. When he finds a broken light fixture that looks like a flower, his imagination is sparked. He begins to build a tin forest, branch by branch, creature by creature. In time, real birds arrive, bearing seeds, and soon the artificial forest is taken over by living vines and animals until it looks just like the forest of the old man’s dreams.
Main Focus: Setting - Compare and Contrast
IN this activity your class will compare the old man’s reality and his dream.
Your class will complete the first sheet and make observations using the images. They will then look at the sheets we have created that describes the settings and asks questions for discussion purposes.
Main Focus: Character Study - The Old Man
In this resource, your class will circle the correct words to complete the sentences. Each sentence gives some information about the old man with some information being obviously apparent and other information based on making simple inferences.
Question 10 talks about his wish. It could be two answers and hopefully children will recognise that.
Question 11 involves your class putting themselves into the old man’s shoes to determine what he appreciates at the end of the story. Is it the company? The scenery? How alive the forest is?
Main Focus: Word Class
In this resource your class will read the passage taken from the beginning of the story and identify the nouns, verbs and adjectives.
Main Focus: Adjectives
This resource focuses on adjectives.
Your class must complete the passage by adding in adjective using their knowledge or the word bank. They will then think of descriptions of the old man at the beginning of the story using explicit information like appearance etc. or deeper information linked to his thoughts, feelings and what type of a person he is, always looking for concise explanations too.
Main Focus: Alphabetical Order
In this activity linked to The Tin Forest, your class will read the extract taken from the story and place the chosen words into alphabetical order.
We have differentiated the resource which covers Year 2 and Year 3 classes. Your class can also choose their words to challenge themselves .
Capital Letters and Full Stops
This reading resource focuses on capital letters and full stops.
Your class. must be able to punctuate the passage/sentences by adding in capital letters and full stops.
We have differentiated it to cover various levels and complexity of sentences.
Main Focus: Punctuation Extension
This activity is an extension of the activity above.
Your Year 2 / Year 3 class will focus on adding in the capital letters, full stops, commas and apostrophe to the sentences or passage.
If would be useful for your class to be able to recognise the use of commas for lists and fronted adverbials.
Main Focus: Phonics
This activity for The Tin Forest focuses on Phonics Phases 3-6 and we’ve also created a blank resource to allow your class to show the sounds they know.
Main Focus: Story Sequencing
In this resource, your class will read the extracts taken from the story and place them into chronological order.
This activity should be completed once your class have read the whole story of ‘The Tin Forest’.
Main Focus: Vocabulary Extension
We have taken some of the lovely vocabulary used in the book and created a teaching resource for it aimed at Year 2 / Year 3.
Your class will look at the words and synonyms and place them into the context of the story.
Main Focus: Comprehension
This comprehension should be completed once your have read the full book with your class.
You can choose from five different comprehension linked to the story.
We have asked a range of questions from retrieval to inference and encourage your class to reflect on more implicit information.