Millions and the Not-So-Great Train Robbery
Millions and the Not-So-Great Train Robbery
Two brothers, Damian and Anthony, are unwittingly caught up in a train robbery during Britain’s countdown to joining the Euro. Suddenly finding themselves with a vast amount of cash, the boys have just one glorious, appalling dilemma – how to spend it in the few days before it becomes worthless. Torn between the vices of buying a million pizzas and the virtues of ending world poverty, the boys soon discover that being rich is a mug’s game. For not only is the clock ticking – the bungling bank robbers are closing in too.
Pizzas or World Peace – what would you choose?
Main Focus: Characters
Your class will read chapter 1 and answer the range of questions about the characters Anthony, Damian, Mr Quinn and St Roch.
This resource will help your class learn more about the characters after reading chapter 1 of the Millions and the Not-So-Great Train Robbery book.
Main Focus: Comprehension - Chapter 3
This is a comprehension resource linked to chapter 3 of the story.
Your Year 5 / Year 6 class will answer the questions which have been organised into retrieval, vocabulary and inference sections.
The resource has also been differentiated 3 ways.
Main Focus: Suffixes – ance/ence/ant/ent
Your class will complete these sentences using words which contain one of the suffixes -ance, -ence, -ant or -ent, ensuring they spell the words correctly.
This resource has been differentiated and focuses on chapter 4 of the book.
Main Focus: Inference - Chapter 6
In this literacy activity linked to Millions and the Not-So-Great Train Robbery book, your class will focus on inference.
Your KS2 class will look at the questions asked and must determine what is being inferred.
Main Focus: Vocabulary Extension - Chapters 8 and 9
We have taken some of the lovely vocabulary used in chapters 8 and 9 for your class to focus on in this activity.
Your KS2 class will complete the sentences by adding in the words provided. If you wish to challenge your class further, choose the first resource and they can think of a word.
Main Focus: Non-Fiction - Francesco di Pietro di Bernadone
Francesco di Pietro di Bernadone was born in Italy in 1181 or 1182. He became St Francis of Assisi two years after his death in 1226.
St Francis is one of the patron saints of Italy, as well as being the patron saint of animals and the environment.
This resource is linked to chapter 9 of the book and includes a non-fiction text and differentiated comprehensions.
Main Focus: Synonyms, Antonyms and Meanings - Chapter 10
In this resource, your KS2 class will write the word class, a synonym and an antonym, and what they think the underlined word means in the context of the sentence and story.
Main Focus: Comprehension - Chapter 14
This resource is linked to chapter 14 and focuses on comprehension questions.
Your Year 5 / Year 6 class will answer the retrieval, vocabulary and inference style questions using their understanding and information from the story.
Main Focus: Punctuation - Chapter 18
Your Ks2 class will rewrite the extracts from chapter 18, adding the punctuation needed. E.g. they will need to add full stops, capital letters, apostrophes, inverted commas, question marks and commas.
We have also included an activity on fronted adverbials.
There are a total of six worksheets in this resource.
Main Focus: Persuasive Writing Planning
If our Anthony had been telling you this story, it would be the most unhappy ending ever. He would put, ‘And so they failed to make proper use of their once-in-a-lifetime investment opportunity.’
The task is to write a persuasive text, suggesting how Anthony and Damian should have used their money.