Skellig by David Almond
A modern classic, Skellig is a life-affirming story about friendship and the power of kindness. At once deep, humorous and haunting, Almond’s Carnegie Medal winning tale is filled with huge emotions, quiet courage, abiding hope, and a fair bit of magic.
Main Focus: its and it's
This activity focuses on the recognising its and it’s in context of the Skellig story.
Main Focus: Comprehension - Chapter 3/4
This activity focuses on questions around chapter 3 and chapter 4 of the book Skellig by David Almond.
Your class will complete the comprehension, which has been broken down into area of retrieval, vocabulary and inference.
Main Focus: Vocabulary - Chapters 6,7 & 8.
This resource focuses on some of the vocabulary used in chapters 6,7 and 8 of the Skelllig story.
Your class will complete the sentences using words of their own, the word bank or choose from the given options.
Main Focus: Character Study
This activity focuses on questions around Skellig and Michael within chapter 10 of the story.
Your KS2 class will then find evidence from the chapter to complete the table about the characters.
Main Focus: Non-Fiction - Arthritis
This non fiction resource and comprehension focuses on arthritis and is linked to chapter 18 of the book. Your Year 5 / Year 6 class will read the information in the resource, answer questions and organise information of different forms of arthritis.
Arthritis, which means joint inflammation, is a crippling disease that can affect one or multiple joints, causing everyday tasks to be painful. There are many different types of the disease, but all are characterised by joint pain and stiffness, inflammation (swelling), restricted movement, muscle wasting, and red skin over the affected joint.
Main Focus: Inference - Chapters 19 and 20
This resource in aimed at Year 5 and Year 6 classes and focuses on Inference in chapters 19 and 20 of the book.
Main Focus: Punctuation - Chapter 26
Your class will rewrite the following paragraph from chapter 26, adding in all the correct punctuation.
They will need to use capital letters, full stops, commas, inverted commas, apostrophes, dashes and a hyphen.
Main Focus: Improving Dialogue - Chapter 29
In this activity, your class will correct and improve the dialogue from Chapter 29, by adding speech punctuation, and verbs to describe how it is being said.
Main Focus: Comprehension Chapters 30-31
Your KS2 class will read chapter 30 and 31 of Skellig and answer the comprehension questions for this activity.
This comprehension is aimed at Year 5 and Year 6.
Main Focus: Short Sentences - Chapter 37
In chapter 37 of Skellig, David Almond makes fantastic use of short sentences.
Your class will determine the impact this has on the reader and rewrite the paragraph in full sentences, using the bank of sentences openers and conjunctions to help you.
Once this is completed you can encourage your class to compare and contrast the two paragraphs.